Check back often for our most recent news!
May 6, 2024 Newsletter
May 6, 2024Please join us for the Scripture Singer 2024 Filming Retreat
on the campus of 3ABN, in West Frankfort, Illinois, July 24-28, 2024.

- Be a part of making music videos for the Scripture Singer APP and 3ABN Canada
- Learn to write a great scripture song
- Enjoy learning and singing new scripture songs together
- Learn the basics of audio recording and music video filming
- Be a part of a new “Scripture Sing-Along” series
- Film in a weekly memory verse series that will also be part of the My Bible First Christian school and Sabbath School curriculum
Who Should Come

Youth ages 10-24 are needed in the music videos
Family groups will be featured in the new “Scripture Sing-Along” program
Please bring your instruments - violin, viola, cello, woodwinds, trumpet, French horn, guitar, or piano
3ABN has graciously offered us use of all their guest housing, RV sites, and tenting sites on their campus. They are available on a first-come basis. Because space is limited on the campus as well as in the recording and filming schedule, registration is by application.
We look forward to spending this time together where we can each personally grow in Jesus through His Holy Word! Any questions, please email: or text Charles Cleveland at: (423) 290-3737.
3ABN has been airing the undiluted 3 Angels’ Messages for forty years all over the world. Recently my wife and I accepted leadership roles in 3ABN Canada and we are eager to expand the reach of 3ABN as it shares the gospel in a much larger way in Canada. We are seeing big opportunities, including starting this new 3ABN Canada channel, July 1, 2024.
At this retreat we will produce broadcast content directed by the 3ABN Canada team. It will help us meet the Canadian government requirement for Canadian-produced content. We want to thank each of you for your help.
-Craig & Dawna Cleveland.
To make it possible for key, experienced team-members to attend the 2024 Filming Retreat.
Construction of 3 new “fake” filming pianos (these are lightweight—easily movable pianos).
Stipends for our Scripture Singer volunteers recording piano tracks, singing songs, editing audio and video.
“Special Thanks”
Jae Hyeon An loves memorizing Scripture. A few years ago he found our Scripture Singer app and offered to help with its development. A year ago, recognizing the app needed updating, he boldly offered to completely rebuild the Scripture Singer app. Over the past year, Jae has spent countless hours programming, testing, and rebuilding our app while interacting with our Scripture Singer team. The amazing thing is that none of our team have ever had the privilege of meeting Jae! Join us in welcoming him as he travels from New York City to meet the Scripture Singer family at our Filming Retreat at 3ABN in July!
3ABN Interview
In January, Scripture Singer was featured in a “3ABN Today” program with the LaVerde family. We thank you and your family for sharing your Scripture Singer experience!
You can enjoy seeing that program by clicking the link below:

New Filming
The Shear Family hosted our Scripture Singer/3ABN Canada crew on their property as we geared up for our filming in July. We hope to share their songs on our YouTube channel soon!
New Books of the Bible to Music
David Gomez is a young man who grew up near Windsor, Ontario—with a family network of scripture memory enthusiasts. He has the entire book of Hebrews and Daniel memorized in song! These books were put to music by various family and friends, but he has agreed to spend this summer recording and editing so that these new books of the Bible can be added to the app! Please consider donating to make this possible and also pray for David as he works on this important project!
I have been listening for some years to Scripture Singer. It has improved my hours of meditation. Also it has inspired me in making my own scripture songs. What I love the most in my experience with the app is that I can exercise with listening to the songs! In the morning for certain duties the songs just naturally come to mind and I talk with God about them. The promises of God in song are wonderful for our experience. Thank you for fulfilling the command to share the word in song. We need more of it! (May, 2024)
October 6, 2023 Newsletter
Oct 6, 2023
In the past two years our team of volunteers has bean very busy in different ministries, but, in the past few weeks Scripture Singer has come back to front-and-center for many of us! Here is what is going on:
Complete App Rebuild
At the moment, our biggest regret is that our Scripture Singer app has a serious bug. As some of you may have noticed, If you click on the “Songs” icon on the opening page, which takes you to the “All” tab and in that tab if you tap on “Sing” for any of the songs or open a song and press the play button, the app will crash. The ironic thing is that EVERY other function still works perfectly. So, to use the app, please just choose any other selection, such as, “Playlists,” “Top Songs,” or “Books.”
The best news is that we have a volunteer, Jae Hyeon An, who is a professional app developer—who found our app, appreciates it, and is volunteering his time to rebuild it completely—THANK YOU, Jae! What a huge gift of time and talent! Praise God! Jae tells us that by December 1st, the all-new Scripture Singer app will be ready for us to enjoy!
In the new app our Music Videos will play right in the app! Also, the new app will allow us to give PUSH NOTIFICATIONS so that if we need to inform all of our users of any new exciting feature or event—we can do it!
Incidentally, since January 1, 2023 over 5000 Apple users have downloaded the Scripture Singer app and used it an average of 4 times a day. Over 2300 Android users are also active on the app. Praise God!
New Songs
We are excited to tell you that the entire book of Matthew is ready for the new app release! This addition to the app is so HUGE –it’s hard to picture– but try this: it is 28 chapters, a total run-time of 5 hours, 24 minutes, and 28 seconds! This entire Gospel of Matthew has more than DOUBLED the entire run-time of our app!
For those of you who have already memorized the first 8 chapters of Matthew and you are up to the CHALLENGE to put the entire Gospel of Mathew to memory, let us know and we will send you more! After all who could wait for December 1st!
Craig & Dawna have been very blessed to be involved in editing those chapters—just think what having the entire book memorized will be like! Please take up that challenge! All you’ve got to do is LISTEN!
Scores of other NEW songs that have been recorded with various groups of young people will also be on the new app. Just last week we received a new composition by Ethan Caputto of Psalm 18:1 & 34:8. Ethan and his younger brother are pictured here below with two of our Scripture Singer Volunteers: Jennifer Landis and Roper Karges. Keep an eye on the app, as this composition should be out early in the new year.
Website Updates
Jason Strack is busy building a search option on our website so that finding any song will be easy. He is also fixing all the lists so that they appear in the correct order, plus he is helping the rest of our team load lots of new songs on our app. Thank you , Jason!
3ABN Praise Him Now Program
Jennifer Landis represented us and aired some of our Scripture Singer Music Videos in a program she interviewed with her sister, recently. Please enjoy the program here, if you have not seen it already (the 1st half of the program deals with Scripture Singer):
To the Future
With the audio recording and editing of the Gospel of Matthew project complete, our focus now is publishing sheet music. More and more requests come in for sheet music. Accompaniment tracks are also in demand and we want to have those available also. We will also be loading the Biblical text (lyrics) on YouTube so they can be read as the audio for each song plays. Having our songs on YouTube will reach a far wider audience and we believe it will also drive up use of our app, Next we plan to push into promoting the app in several ways, from simple grassroots e-mail blitzes to SDA churches, all the way to exciting social media ads.
You Can Help!
Every song recorded and edited is more of God’s Holy Word ready to be heard by thousands of users all over the world. These songs hold supernatural, divine power. They are our best weapon against temptation—used as Jesus used them they are the most powerful words: IT IS WRITTEN! Recording and editing one chapter of Matthew for the app cost us an average of $400 per chapter. Short songs are usually $50 each. If you feel impressed to keep this app growing—we praise God for your support!
If you have time to help us with tedious clerical work such as collecting e-mail addresses or uploading text for YouTube—please also consider contacting us to volunteer, at
Family Testimonials
Special thanks to the Laverde and Glasser families for sharing their family testimonies! Please view those here:

Music Filming Project
Sep 15, 2020We are so excited to share about our filming project that took place only a few weeks ago! A select group of singers and instrumentalists from across the United States and Canada traveled to northern Washington to film 14 scripture songs and Scripture song medleys, and to plan the near future of Scripture Singer!
Filming in beautiful locations around Washington was wonderful for all of us as we sang our favorite Scriptures that have impacted our lives so much! All of the videos are currently being edited and we are so excited to share them with you! Watch for more updates right here on our website.

We Need Your Help!
Sep 1, 2020You can be a part of the Scripture Singer Team! First, just download the app and begin memorizing the Bible and YOU are on our team! Also, please consider joining with us by giving to our financial needs. All donations are tax-deductible and 100% of your gift goes for the direct support of the needs we have such as:
App Development: $7,500
Studio Equipment: $2,250
Promotional Materials/Travel/Ads: $1,750
Volunteer Singer Stipends: $3,500
You can also be a part of our team if you sing or write Scripture songs. Please contact us and submit music or audio recordings to us at: Or, right here on our website on the Submit a Song page.
If you have a favorite verse that you would like to be set to music, we’d love to know what it is and we will see if we can set it to music for you and get it on the app! Lastly, thanks for visiting our ALL NEW website and please share with us how Scripture Singer had impacted your life. We would love to hear from you!!